Monday, May 13, 2013

The longest post ever!

So I have had no time at all to write a blog. But I will go day by day the events of the past week.

Tuesday April 30th 2013
Today we packed! and packed and cried and packed!! It really hit Phillip and I hard today that we were leaving our comfort zone! Our babies and our family. We got up early and got cleaning. Uhi came over to help and spend our last day with us. We went to Red Lobster and had a great last meal ( didn't know at the time it was the last) We took Uhi to work and picked up LC who spend the evening with us. I was great to spend some last minute time with her! We dropped her off with a load of dog items and headed back to get another load ready. After many loads we were no where near finished. We packed and cleaned and hauled into the night. Finally at 1:00 Am we took the dogs to Uhis and said our very sad goodbyes.

By the time we headed over to Moms where we were going to sleep it was 3:30 AM and we needed to be up and off to the airport by 5:45 AM. I tried to sleep as much as I could but the trama/excitement ahead of us kept me up lost in thought.

Wednesday May 1st 2013
Today is the day. We are leaving and wont be back for a long time! I have not been on an airplane in 15 years so the butterflies are out of control today!
We woke up with only a few hours of sleep. It didn't seem like enough but it was ok. I am told I can sleep on the plane, haha I am not counting on that. I am so nervous. I ran upstairs and woke Remi up to say my goodbyes. It was going to be a long journey without my sisters! I don't know if it is possible they have always been my support. Now I will have Phillip and myself!

My mom took us to the airport. If I had gotten more sleep I may have been way more sad. Zombie me is not as much of a baby as the normal me!
At the airport mom helped us out of the car, said our goodbyes and watched her drive away. I wanted to cry so bad but didn't. I was nervous going through security but I watched the other people go through and with Phillip always traveling he knew the routine. It was a breeze. We went straight to our gate and then off into the wild we went.

The next day and a half is a huge blur because we time traveled. haha not really but kind of.
We landed in Seattle and had enough time to go get some food and a few souvenirs. We had a great seafood meal. Phillip had no idea that would be the last familiar meal for a year.

We boarded our flight at 4:00 PM and headed off to Korea.

Korean Air is the best airline ever!! The flight attendants, attend! and are cute Asian girls. The flight was 13 hours and we had requested kosher meals. I didn't know that we would be fed 3 times!!!! No one needs to be fed 3 times! The flight was so long and my butt got tired and I wanted to sleep in a proper bed. We landed in Korea sometime in the future and walked around. Their airport is just like a mall with terminal gates here and there!
We boarded our flight and I went right to sleep, only to be woken up by drum roll please...... ANOTHER MEAL!! I was so tired I couldn't eat. but I felt really bad I just sent it right back. poor ladies worked so hard and I just sent it back. As we closely arrived to Cebu I had to fill out customs forms. I had not slept in a day and a half and now I had to fill out very important papers that could possibly decline me into the country! Crazy!!

We arrived in Cebu at midnight Friday May 3rd 2013.
When you walk off the plane it was like night and day to Korea. The airport was hot and stuffy and there were lots of people and a strange smell of smoked pork.

We walked through a hall and into an immigration line. We had to provide our passports and get our first stamp. I was nervous because I was afraid I would not know what they were saying if I was asked a question. But everything went smooth and we were standing at the baggage claim in no time.

Phillip located all 4 large suitcases and I stood and watched people!! After we got our luggage we had to stand in another line. This line was customs. fortunately there was a Korean man with all his fishing gear and customs was way interested in pulling all of his stuff out to investigate. So they rushed us through the gates! Once we "entered" Cebu we went straight to the exchange counter and changed some cash so we would have some money. Then we stepped out the door and there were hundreds of people pilled in waiting for their loved ones. I had no idea how I was going to locate Andrew in all of the masses. As soon as I stopped to look around there he was. It was perfect timing!! Ryan the accountant and his cousin were there as well with their suv and we loaded in and headed off into the night.

First night in the Philippines.
We landed and within the hour we were headed off on our Cebu adventure. We headed to the hotel first. Even though we had to wait until later that day to check in  Andrew went in and "talked" to the desk clerk and just like magic we could check in early.
After we unloaded our bags we headed into the office to meet the crews.

The call center is so awesome! The building is 16 stories minus the 13th floor because 13 is unlucky! haha. Phillip and all his 13 tattoos get a lot of looks! We have 60 employees with 2 shifts. The people are so awesome! I love the people. I love this country!

Stay dry,warm and happy 
Love always
Whitney Hoku Germaine